Monday, April 30, 2012

Deciding to Divorce

The more intense the heartbreaking decision comes at the start: if divorce? Much has been brought up this question, the concepts of separation and divorce. Until now were only thoughts and words, without immediate consequences. Now that you realize the time to decide has come, we must contemplate the action. The focus on action clarifies the situation, but also makes it seem more difficult and frightening.

Any number of scenarios could lead to the end of a marriage. Sometimes there is no choice: the spouse who crosses the line. Often a story ends a marriage. Other times, physical abuse occurs, and the marriage becomes dangerous and intolerable. Circumstances such as these leave little choice in the matter. The divorce becomes the only acceptable pace.

But many divorces result from situations that are far less cut-and-dried. You may find that your marriage has grown dull. Look at your partner and realize that all physical attraction felt is gone. Or perhaps the void is in a different area. You may feel limited and stifled in everything you do. Your soul mate is not your soulmate. Your lives are turned away. In other situations such as these can still see your marriage as an ideal, but in the end you feel it is all pain and misery. This may be unilateral. A partner may think everything is fine, while the other just wants out. Or you can be breathless, and not realizing it. If you come to understand that your marriage is in crisis, you should get a divorce?

Before taking any initiative should consider where it might lead. Divorce is a painful, difficult choice. Ending a marriage is almost never easy, even when both parties agree that they no longer love. When one spouse has still deep feelings and the other does not, or if there is a sense of imbalance to be all-whether emotional, financial or professional that can only make it worse. In most cases it is a long term relationship. There was love there once, and intensity. We are considering cutting the cord with someone who was the most important person in your life.

The presence of children amplifies the problem. The younger boys, the worst possible. Most children can not help but feel torn when parents separate.

Divorce is often a financial earthquake for both parties. The family home could be sold. Two households are either having to accept children. Unless both parties are rich, this will affect your family living standards.

If the problem is mental, spiritual, or a combination of factors, divorce is a step that should be examined carefully. If there is no physical abuse in the picture, you should go to couples counseling before taking a final decision. Offer to go with your spouse to see a therapist. Put in positive terms, and make a generous offer. If you do not think so, advice would be unlikely to have any value. Your spouse may say no, but you tried.

If there is abuse, both physical and mental counseling torque is almost certainly the right way. domestic violence or child should not be tolerated. If it happens it is necessary to protect themselves. In this case you should simply seek the fastest, safest way out. Appeal to friends and relatives or, if necessary, go to a shelter. Do you have to do to separate themselves efficiently and your children from your spouse, then look for a lawyer.

Your spouse cheated? For me this was the cause of my divorce. Some will be able to forgive their spouses and try to save the marriage. I was able to accept each other for my husband and he soon became a different person, both emotionally and physically, leaving me no choice but to divorce.

I know from personal experience and observation of many divorces, that your road is long, frustrating and probably ugly. The best scenario would be that you and your spouse first meeting with a mediator to agree on a fair solution. If this path can both save thousands in legal fees. If you believe your spouse will agree to an amicable divorce, this is the way to go.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

It's time to break with your insurance company?

Ending a relationship can be quite a difficult thing to do, that is, unless you get what you need from the relationship. This includes the relationship between you and your insurance company. The two of you probably started very happy together. Were you happy because you were getting the coverage you need, and the insurance company was happy because they were getting the money they needed.

However, not all relationships can last forever. In the end, are not always what you need from the insurance company, nor are they always what you need, and you're in the midst of a breakup with your insurance company.

The best way to break with your insurance company is to do it as quickly and painlessly as possible. You can achieve this, learning to identify warning signs of an imminent dissolution.

They marry. Once you get married, you and your spouse can have an auto insurance policy instead of two. If you decide to have a policy, you will need a break from the insurance company of others.

She has no children. Once you have children, your policy must change. Maybe you need more health insurance coverage of your insurance company offer. Maybe you decide to purchase a life insurance policy and find it can be bought, and another health insurance policy, the same company.

It becomes autonomous. autonomous individuals need to purchase insurance policies independent, and if your current policy is too expensive for independent insurance income to cover, it's time to break-up and look for a cheaper insurance company.

You move. Many people buy their insurance policies, including policies of automobile insurance, local insurance agencies. Once you relocate, you may not be able to maintain your policy with the company.

People change, and these changes may cause relationship break-ups. Learn the warning signs and prepare to move forward.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

How I Lost Fast

I want to share with you my true story of what happens two months a go. The reason I write this story is to demonstrate to you that you can forget your ex fast.

You know when you trust someone so much that you give him everything he says you only feel safe and believe that things are good but eventually you discover that you are wrong! As indicated in the Oprah magazine once that "it hurts so bad when you give and not take care of the body"

There was a good experience at all when I discovered that my boyfriend is cheating on me. I felt unhappy and used all the time I was with him. I used to cry all the time during the night holding my pillow.

All the bad memories of him cheating on me was to keep popping up on me. My eyes were red all the time. I stretched and had nightmares every night. To you, if you were to relate what I say, you can hear me.

Imagine that you keep these memories of your ex in your mind for a year and still having these nightmares every night, feeling depressed and used. If you were too tense for an hour would that be a smart thing? I do not think so.

So I decided to find a way to change my situation because I could not let it destroy me. I remember once I was watching Dr. Phil show said that to feel sick because of your ex is like giving away your power. It's like letting someone hurts you when you walk, sleep, alone, with friends etc.

Then, during my research to find a way to heal a broken heart, I found a lot of books, tapes, programs that claim to make you happy or heal your heart, but nothing actually help me as I continued to feel more worse. To make the problem worse I bought an expensive program that was closed only to make me feel stupid. I really do not understand why these people want to take advantage of who is deeply wounded. These people who run these programs know that when you are hurt you will never do what it takes to feel happy.

I came across Forget Your Ex Only 24 hours. In this ebook this guy promised you forget your ex in just 24hrs and Since he offers a discount of $ 20 and money back guarantee (if not to forget the pain in 24 hours), I decided to give it a try. Holly Molly! I was surprised with the results. This guy knows what he is talking, I felt happy, energetic, beautiful and strong as a woman. It 'was like magic. We are in the midst of broken or simply feel unhappy I recommend this book.

I feel really blessed, life is very different depending on how you look at things. If you think you are never desirable because your ex dumped you, then you will be. But life is better if you look in a better way.

Techniques to forget your ex in 24 hours I helped change the way I feel about myself as a simple human being unique. You know most of us after we are broken as if some of us in case of loss, our being is destroyed. Finally, the only gift you can give yourself is to enjoy themselves.

Friday, April 27, 2012

How to overcome a break

We all go through tears, however, nobody really wants to go through them. There is no universal way to handle a break, but the following suggestions may be helpful for most people:

- Accept your pain, but do not put in more pain than it should. Should grieve your lost relationship in which you have invested emotionally. Do not try to hide the pain and do not turn to destructive distractions, such as drugs or alcohol.

- Do not jump into another relationship as a rebound so that you can feel better.This not fair that other people, and this, sooner or later lead to a new rupture.

- Your friends and close relatives are always a source of advice and guidance.Talk them. People who love you help you see that you should love too.

- Do not hate yourself or your ex. It 'a waste of time to be hating yourself and ripping yourself apart.

- Understand that there is more to life than being in a relationship - try to find happiness in other areas of your life.

Find something creative to do - something that requires focus and get involved. Many people forget who they were before being connected with the person I am so sad now. Remind yourself that you used to enjoy doing things that you forgot.

- Let go. Understand that it makes no sense to be heartbroken for a log period of time. Realize that even if your relationship was very unique and special, all good things must end.

- Remember that no relationship is a failure if you can learn something about yourself. When going through a break, is coming to find true happiness, because you know your true inner self.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to try to save a marriage

"It can still do something to save the marriage to die?"

The fact is that there are many ways to save a dying marriage and prevent divorce. And if the couple wants, they can successfully bring the excitement you felt last time ago.

Civil withdrawal

The married life can be stressful. Work, children, financial obligations and the overwhelming tasks of life contribute to the slow death of marriage. And in this modern age, where it is difficult to stay way from stress, marriage is more likely to fail, simply because it occurs in the minds of couples' that everything you do is rest.

Slowing and time to relax and forget all the things that couples keep away from each other could mean returning the lost enthusiasm, once the couple. Spend quality time with each other together with other couples married in a shelter can work on saving the marriage before it even comes to your mind.

Admitting mistakes couples and forgiving one another for some sin they committed and the pain caused to each other could save the marriage.

Improving the things that caused trick to happen is an effective way to keep the family in tacked.

Seeking professional advice and couples therapy is a great way to heal any wound caused by infidelity.

Improving communication

There will come a time when marriage is going nowhere but down. One reason is the lack of communication from both sides. This could be due to the limited time they spend together mainly because of career. While making money is important, taking care of the family is priceless. Communication keeps couples emotionally connected. And spend quality time together provides a good place to keep the lines open.

Marriage counseling is often seen as a last resort in an attempt to save the marriage. This is very unfortunate as marriage counselors can be more effective if the couple has to ask for help when the problem has just begun to rise. What is more regrettable is that the notion that once the couples decide to go to marital counseling sessions have already given up because there are already huge emotional build-up within marriage and there's nowhere to go but to separate .

Civil advice should be regarded as one of the most effective ways to save marriage and not only as a final nail in the coffin of marriage.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How to deal with your ex-husband's New Girlfriend

Many of us find a new partner after divorce. Your ex-husband may be one of them. This can be difficult for you emotionally. My ex just took no break whatsoever. His relationship was the cause of our break. She moved in with him two months after he left my house. She left after just over a year. I was elated.

His departure has been satisfactory on many levels. My feelings stemmed from my illness, and that also came from the disruption and pain that had led the life of my children. But I admit that revenge was a factor. I liked the feeling that my ex was finally getting his comeuppance. Now he would feel the sting of rejection. I wanted him to suffer this. I had a good reason. He had thrown out 13 years of marriage, and I wanted him to pay for it.

His girlfriend was a painful reminder of all that, and I could not help but relieved that his life no longer intersected with mine or my children's.

But these feelings of relief and satisfaction were quickly tempered by the fact that soon found another girlfriend. I decided that any woman who was better than before, but still I wondered, as you might want to date a route, often unemployed, overweight, bald man?

His new girlfriend was only 24, 14 years his junior. He seemed nice enough, but basically still bothered me that he was happy. Despite all the books I had read on spirituality, forgiveness and love, I still felt anger.

Try as I might, I could not understand these feelings. I no longer had any physical attraction for this man. I have not even him. Why do I care? The real reason was that I wanted him to suffer for what he did to me.

And 'normal to have mixed feelings long after the divorce is final. A former partner may provoke new hostilities whenever it comes into contact with your children. This is inevitable. Your life was turned upside down. The familiar and routine are changed forever. Even if your marriage was full of anger, was still the life they knew. Some prisoners find safety in a prison cell. Marriage can be the same.

With divorce new people enter your life, some not by choice. It is necessary to find a way to treat your ex back love. This is difficult if you are not currently in a relationship yourself. Why him, but not me? She asks over and over again.

Feeling like a good person and you deserve love. You feel as if your ex deserves loneliness and pain. Just take personally. The right person will appear. Although it may not seem so now, will arrive just in time. Be careful. Look before you leap. No need to risk repeating a painful experience. Take your ex has happened as an omen. You know that if it can happen to him quickly, you also find love. If his new love proves fleeting, do not rejoice or worry. The longer you wait more chances you have for a true lasting love.

Do not jump into something just to try it yourself. This is not a competition. This is a serious search for a love that will last a lifetime. There is no need to suffer again.

This does not mean you should ignore your negative emotions. Release. Talk with a friend or therapist. Punch a pillow. Wait until you are alone, then call your ex every name in the dirty book. Shout It and screaming. May all go. Let go of all the pain, hurt, and betrayal. The process can take months or even years, but you will feel better over time.

Someone special and your divorce will fade into memory. Will no longer harbor feelings of hatred towards your ex. You arrive to accept your ex for what it is, and wish him well.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Truth About Dirty Divorce Tactics

Why ugly divorce? What makes a partner to turn the other? I have often pondered these questions. It amazes me that two people who stood before the altar and vowed to be together until death do us part, can ultimately destroy each other.

While I was married to the idea of a couple going through a vicious divorce did not make sense to me. I always thought that when a couple decided to divorce must simply divide their assets in half and part ways amicably. There was never a reason for a bitter divorce, I naively thought.

I was stunned when, during my own divorce, my ex-husband refused to settle and divide our activities. What followed was a long, expensive legal battle.Never I imagined that I would have committed the same type of divorce I once despised.

I decided to search for divorce gets nasty. I discovered that a major cause of a bitter divorce is that one or both spouses receive bad advice. Sometimes this advice comes from a lawyer. Other times it is from family or friends.

But no matter who provided the advice is always received by an angry, vengeful spouse. This is the spouse who feels betrayed, he wants to hurt her boyfriend. A spouse who can not let go and move on with his life. This person needs to get too emotionally weak and in a state is left over in the wake of a divorce, he or she is easy prey for a divorce lawyer or a greedy mother-in-law who hated her daughter-in - law from day one.

More men guilty of being unfair and deceitful tactics than women in divorce? I think the playing field is about equal. There are probably only as a woman, like many men resorting to despicable behavior during the divorce.

You may be tempted to go and hit back at a husband who causes you pain. Remember that the more one is in control of your actions and behaviors, the better you will come to an end. You are being provide an inside view of what some men are capable of during a divorce. Some of this information is shocking and startling.You may think that your ex would never do this to you. Hopefully it will not. But you must be on guard and ready for battle at any time.

The woman who have already suffered at the hands of a husband who played tricks will tell you that never saw coming. Never in million years did believe their husbands might be able to actions.Yet this still happened to them. Be warned, armed and ready.

5 simple rules to follow during the divorce Ugly:

1. See who you trust in you to be careful that you tell your troubles to divorce someone who considers himself a friend can pass information or knowingly or not your spouse.

2. Do not try to reason with your spouse. Let your lawyer do the talking you.That that's why they hired him. Participate in conversations with your husband on your divorce can make things much worse. It may be that institution. You can not trust him. If you could then divorce would be resolved by a mediator.

3. Be prepared financially. Make sure you have the funds available to pay your legal fees without assistance and support you and your children.In my book "Seven Secrets successful divorce, what every woman needs to know" I go into detail explaining what to do to protect themselves financially.

4. Always check your emotions! Any possibility of controlling the behavior cost him in the courtroom. You better believe that your husband will make a list of everything you do that is questionable. You're driving home with her? Call the phone? Harass him via e-mail? Your husband will use this type of behavior to portray you as an unfit mother so mad

5. Be proactive and be involved in the process of divorce. You can not depend on your divorce lawyer to win a divorce for you, no matter how much you pay for it. His lawyer is worried about his height. This is his business as he makes a living. He is not your best friend or confidante. What can you expect from him is to represent the best of his ability. You need to participate and remain in control of what happens in your case.

I hope that the information you have given me will help you prepare for a divorce so that you can get the best result possible divorce!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Break Ups: Top Tips

Every year thousands of suffering at the hands of a broken relationship. For many it is what appears to be the end of the world. In situations like this - perception is everything as the reality of what is happening can be very different from what we perceive.

Have you been in a situation like this? Think that is the end of your world? Well, if so I want you to think about something for a moment. Think of all those moments in life when you felt even a bit 'like the way you do now. Think of all the times you fought and pulled through! The thing is, for some of us it is easier to see it as the end and give up, however, that goes against everything that more or less stayed until now. You see, survival is a natural instinct and the reality that you're still here and still alive proves to have this natural instinct.

With pain and negative emotions of a bad break point that we can feel ugly, but now, friends, family and love in the end - new, can all help to heal our wounds.

I have helped many many people in my career to overcome the negative effects of relationship breakdown. Today I want to give you some tips that I give to my clients in therapy with me.

1. Watch out! Maybe weeks not years to come, but surely. Meet friends and do things together that you like - and spoil yourself outside of the road just constantly thinking about what went wrong.

2. Sit with someone you can trust and tell them everything. This helps get things off your chest and also helps to understand it and put it in perspective.

3. Get to know yourself. If you have just emerged from a long-term relationship, then you may find that you have changed over the years. Now is the time to take a nice big stretch and do the things you wanted to do for years.

4. Close the door. Build an understanding of that part of your life - learn from it and then close the door for tea and start living for your future instead of your past.

Well there you go. I really hope that if you go through a break until that these tips help.

Monday, April 2, 2012

The art of breaking up

Have you ever wondered if there was an art of breaking? Perhaps a streamlined process, where people could break in a civil manner, and yet still remain on a basis of friendship?

Infidelity, different goals, or meeting someone else are all reasons why people choose to separate. But for many people, the process may not be so simple. Although there is a struggle and the emotions are strong, people can say angry words and then break. Usually, however, can talk, reconcile, and try to work things out, only to have another outbreak that suddenly decides to do away again.

The art of breaking rests heavily on the personality of the people involved in the report. Sometimes there is just another way to end a relationship then it suddenly and as tactfully as possible. However, in some situations, there are many peaceful solutions to help dissolve a relationship of peace and friendship with a still intact.

However, if you ever get the feeling that you might be threatened or may become violent partners, angry if you break up, then it is important that you seek outside help. Let your closest friends know that you intend to break with your partner and keep the support system at a distance. Sometimes, even the most docile act in ways that would not appear within the scope of their character to face the possibility of losing their loved one.

If emotional or physical abuse was involved in the relationship then you need to leave the situation immediately, no matter how strong you feel you can be in love. That said, breaking into other situations can be made so that both sides remain friends, if they choose. Never tell someone else your partner for you. Break-up should be done with respect and you should always respect your partner enough to explain the reason for failure.

If it is established that they Should end the relationship, then you should think before what you're going to say, the reason for the break, and try your best to consider the feelings of the person. Message delivery is important and a calm tone of voice can help make the transition easier. Some people find that they can express things better in a letter. There is nothing wrong with writing your thoughts and feelings and breaking through a letter. With today's technology, many people are finding a better email tool to deliver a message of breaking. It is a matter of preference and may hinge on how you communicate in any relationship. If e-mail was a fundamental form of communication, then it may be appropriate to discuss your holiday in this way. However, if you never sent an e-mail back and forth, and decided to start with a letter "Dear John, may in fact be very inappropriate.

The key points to remember in every break is to explain its position as clearly as possible. When you know that you need to end the relationship, stick to your guns. Sometimes the other party will make you feel guilty and manipulate you in remaining in the report. You know when it's over. If you decide that you need to get on with your life, then do so.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The cost of divorce

The costs of obtaining a divorce are staggering. The payments - which are not exhausted during the night or a month - can be crippling financially. It could be years before returning to his feet.

For celebrities and members of the upper classes, they would gladly pay for expensive lawyers and financial managers to get rid of a partner who has proven to be more of a liability than an asset. It 'was nice while it lasted, but people want to get on with their lives. They pick up the pieces and start again.

When we think of the cost of divorce, our first impulse is to see dollars and cents dancing in our heads and we reel from the bills that land in our inboxes. The financial framework may seem like the same ugly divorce. But not only the money that is the thorny issue. There is another type of cost that is equally disconcerting. And devastating.

This cost is the toll on individual emotional divorce. No wonder many of them come from a divorce to 100% different. Their feelings and attitudes have taken a turn at 360 degrees so that when they finally leave the classroom or in the offices of their lawyer, they can not begin to understand what really hit them.

Your heart is with the man in Alcoholics Anonymous who says that after the divorce, she lost everything - work, wife and children, his house - and bitterly, saying "I'm me. I do not know where I was or where I'm going. "

Both financial and psychological costs of divorce generate such devastating results that will last a long, sometimes stop and think and wonder, "was getting a divorce is really worth?"

Cost of Divorce: the emotional aspect
Can you imagine yourself to be a changed person all because of a divorce? The change is probably too mild a word. Let transformed or transformed. He has the innocence of youth that have disappeared completely lost faith in your fellow human beings?

Focusing on divorce tend to forget the few years leading to divorce. Your emotions are very tense at that time. Were stretched so much that they lost their elasticity. Have you tried your best, proven solutions, visited one after another adviser, but your instincts tell you that love and trust are gone and the marriage is over. You first need to end there is not a morsel left in you. Need to preserve what little remains, because, unfortunately, is all you've got to try to build on from scratch. Staying in marriage only without that tiny, tiny chance to find happiness again.

Meanwhile, you know what happened to you, your soul and the elements that once defined?

Perhaps the best way to illustrate the emotional cost of divorce is to look at some examples of "wounded" husbands and wives, whose emotions had changed since they were married until their divorce.

Case # 1: Honey, I have a headache.

HE: At first I said it was just tired and stressed to look after children all day. But then he began to refuse sex more often. This made me feel that I am unattractive and have lost the ability to excite her. I mean, the point of getting married is to have a partner for life, but my wife does not respond and is not interested in sex. It makes you wonder about the whole monogamy issue. Can not you see I'm sick of his constant refusal? If you do not love me anymore?

SHE: Do you expect me to be there ready for him. I feel that is more like a machine - which can turn on and off - gets what he wants and when he turns his back. I feel so cheap, so loved that I'd refuse his advances to make love endure his mechanics. I am ready to throw in the towel. I prefer someone who is less physically demanding.

Case # 2: Help, sinking our bank account's!

SHE: I realize that is important for a rainy day. I agreed to be thrifty and spent years in self-deprivation. I work so it's not as if I'm spending his money. I contribute to family expenses, but every time I buy a dress or a bottle of my favorite perfume, makes me feel like I have lost all sense of money and I do not care for our future. I resent the way as he tries to save me. For me, the money would be saved and spent. I want to have more control over my money. And 'interfere in an area where no interfering activities.

HIM: I'm trying to emulate my father. We were not very rich, but because he has saved in a consistent manner, is able to provide for his family adequately, and my mother did not need to find work after his death. I see lots of our friends who then failed because he must always have the latest gadgets. All those cars, bikes, iPods, cell phones, swimming pools, club memberships, eating out - they are all a drain on your savings. My wife believes in instant gratification. I still say that is the sure way to financial ruin. She is completely ignorant about what our life will be like when we retire - and with increasing health care costs ...

Case # 3: I'm not good enough for him. He criticizes my lack of knowledge and he says they are ignorant

SHE: I feel like I'm under a microscope. My questions as if I am a disappointment to school. He forces me to read books I do not like magazines and brings home who expect me to read so when he asks me, I can come up with a decent answer. He says he admires his colleagues in the office who are lawyers. He calls me dumb blond when my hair is not even blonde. He makes me laugh with "you could have at least finished high school. Not even know what is happening in the world." Then finally the last straw was when he Said did not want our children to be as ignorant as me. At that moment I decided I was not going to take any verbal abuse from him - he killed my spirit, but I was not going to let him kill what's left of me.

HE: My wife is so lazy and unambitious. Here we are living in one of the largest cities in North America and she will do nothing to educate herself. Our community offers all types of self-improvement courses and I told her time and again how important it is to learn new things Could have a decent conversation. But she is content at home, caring for children. Will not even take the newspaper. I realized that was about to marry a person who lacked a bit 'initiative, which I did not know then was I marry someone who was lazy.

From the three cases mentioned above, one can sum up the emotional cost of divorce thus:

Death of love and loss of respect, isolation, insecurity, low self-esteem, depression and anxiety, distrust, cynicism, intolerance, anger, bitterness and sense of inadequacy.

Over time, if these imbalances do not receive psychological care and attention they need, the emotional cost of divorce could result in medical costs as well. For example, when one spouse falls into a depression, then counseling will be an added expense. When the fighting and bickering drives someone to alcoholism or drug abuse, rehabilitation expenses should be taken in.

Cost of Divorce: the financial
Before sending your divorce papers, think twice, thrice, four times. Talk with family and friends. See how their divorce behind them economically. When you say the numbers, you might want to reconsider.

Now, if you're not willing to reconsider and if you want a divorce, the most economical way is the do-it-yourself divorce, but if we did homework or due diligence, there is a chance you could end up with the short stick. If your spouse is more informed than you on issues such as alimony, child support and division of marital assets, you may not always be the only part of your business.

Another alternative is Collaborative divorce when your spouse's lawyer and the lawyer tries to finalize the divorce in the friendliest of terms.

What we talked about really does not address the question of what is going to cost financially.

We will start with legal costs. This is where you realize that words are cheap. Keep in mind that a lawyer will charge not only the number of minutes talking with you in his office and the telephone, he charged for searching case law, administrative costs such as stationery, courier services, court fees, filing fees , paralegal's fees and others. Indeed it could be billing more time without you time with you. He has to write the minutes, on motions and affidavits.

Lawyers charge on an hourly basis, or on a stationary package. North America in hourly fees range from $ 100.00 to $ 250.00 - more in some cities. Boarding fees range from $ 8,000.00 to $ 12,000.00 depending on where you live, specifications and applicable hourly rate lawyer. Some provinces of Canada and the States United States may charge higher retainer. Please note that if you choose to pay under detention, a written retainer agreement must be drafted.

Warning: if the agreement provides strong cede title to your home or substantial liquidity for non-payment legal fees, the contract still unsigned! In other words, do not give up anything you can not afford to lose.

Financial costs do not end in the office of the lawyer, unfortunately.

Your property: properties and assets acquired during the marriage may now represent only 50% of their original value for you. If the divorce agreement, calls for a fraction of 50-50, you will automatically lose 50% of the total value.

Personal belongings such as furniture, clothes, ornaments, collectibles and cars are usually valued at a "garage sale" basis, so you and your spouse can agree who gets what.

Regarding the house, the primary custodial spouse usually stays at home with children, or if the house is no longer accessible to either spouse, both you may want to sell it and split the proceeds equally.

Other costs to consider:

Depending on who get to keep the house, the following costs will be included in the equation:

• Mortgage and interest payments
• Property taxes
• Insurance
• maintenance
• School fees and water

In addition, you should ask your lawyer how pension plans each spouse, the 401 (k) plans (U.S.) and RRSP (Canada) and pension benefits and other plans should be divided.

Add: expenses of children: baby sitter school, medical bills and health, recreation, a particular caution (if psychologists are hired to help children through divorce), accommodation and other expenses.