Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Break Ups: Top Tips

Every year thousands of suffering at the hands of a broken relationship. For many it is what appears to be the end of the world. In situations like this - perception is everything as the reality of what is happening can be very different from what we perceive.

Have you been in a situation like this? Think that is the end of your world? Well, if so I want you to think about something for a moment. Think of all those moments in life when you felt even a bit 'like the way you do now. Think of all the times you fought and pulled through! The thing is, for some of us it is easier to see it as the end and give up, however, that goes against everything that more or less stayed until now. You see, survival is a natural instinct and the reality that you're still here and still alive proves to have this natural instinct.

With pain and negative emotions of a bad break point that we can feel ugly, but now, friends, family and love in the end - new, can all help to heal our wounds.

I have helped many many people in my career to overcome the negative effects of relationship breakdown. Today I want to give you some tips that I give to my clients in therapy with me.

1. Watch out! Maybe weeks not years to come, but surely. Meet friends and do things together that you like - and spoil yourself outside of the road just constantly thinking about what went wrong.

2. Sit with someone you can trust and tell them everything. This helps get things off your chest and also helps to understand it and put it in perspective.

3. Get to know yourself. If you have just emerged from a long-term relationship, then you may find that you have changed over the years. Now is the time to take a nice big stretch and do the things you wanted to do for years.

4. Close the door. Build an understanding of that part of your life - learn from it and then close the door for tea and start living for your future instead of your past.

Well there you go. I really hope that if you go through a break until that these tips help.

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