Sunday, October 21, 2012

How to Survive a Break-up

After being the same person for many years and then breaking up, it is difficult to imagine your life without that person. Once you've done everything together, and now face life as a single person again. Although the setting may be difficult at first, not the end of the world. It 'important to remember that this is something that happens to almost everyone at some point, and they all survived, so you can too. With time, you can heal your heart and move on. Eventually, you'll probably find yourself happier than you ever were.

The end of a relationship is like a death. As such, the stages of change that occurs when a death occurs with a break-up as well. You have to let you experience all these stages of true healing. Every step is a normal part of the process and ultimately you'll be better.

The first stage is denial and shock. At first, you may be able to believe that the relationship is over. It may be too upset about what happened in your mind process. As reality sinks in, these feelings of anger quickly in transition, the next part of the process of grief. Anger is actually a sign of progress. You may feel angry with yourself or your former partner. This is an important part of treating your feelings and generally does not last long.

The next stage is bargaining. This may include begging your ex-partner to give the relationship another chance, make promises, praying, and blame yourself. The truth is, a rupture occurs because the relationship is broken. Remember all the reasons that led to the breakup. The report could not be repaired and it is time to move on.

This leads to the next stage: depression. It is perfectly reasonable to feel depressed about the end of a relationship, but it is important not to dwell at this stage for too long. Take the time to feel sad about things, but do not let that take over your life. You may find yourself unable to stop thinking about the break-up. If so, set aside time to think, for example, ten minutes a day. Every morning, sit in a quiet place and allow yourself to think of the relationship failed. At the end of ten minutes, get up and go away and do something else. For the rest of the day, whenever the thoughts of the report enter your mind, do not allow yourself to think and tell yourself you can do with these feelings during the next ten minutes tomorrow morning. Try going through your day thinking as little as possible.

and later: depression. It is perfectly reasonable to feel depressed about the end of a relationship, but it is important not to dwell at this stage for too long. Take the time to feel sad about things, but do not let that take over your life. You may find yourself unable to stop thinking about the break-up. If so, set aside time to think, for example, ten minutes a day. Every morning, sit in a quiet place and allow yourself to think of the relationship failed. At the end of ten minutes, get up and go away and do something else. For the rest of the day, whenever the thoughts of the report enter your mind, do not allow yourself to think and tell yourself you can do with these feelings during the next ten minutes tomorrow morning. Try going through your day thinking as little as possible.

Remember that there is more to your life than this report. Think of all the deficiencies had your partner. Remind yourself of the bad times and soon you will feel better to be away from this person. During this stage, it is better not to visit places that often went with your ex partner. Put away the pictures and other mementos of your ex. Focus on other things, improve your career, spend time with your family. Now is your chance to do activities that you like your ex-partner did not. Many people find it helpful to spend more time with their friends. Your friends will help you remember who you are and who you were before the report. Hanging out with friends is a great way to keep your mind off what happened and to meet new people.

Another great way to get through life is to exercise. The exercise is a well known way to relieve stress and also releases endorphins that make you feel good positive course. This will also help build your self-esteem, which may have taken quite a hit during the break-up. Also, if you exercise at the gym you can expand your social circle. It 's important not to spend too much time alone during the depression.

Eventually you reach the stage of acceptance. You will see how your life can go on without this person. As you focus on making major life without someone else, you will be able to make your great life with someone else. In the process of spending time with family and friends, exploring a hobby, and exercising, you can also see a great future partner and then you will have a heart healed properly so you can make your next relationship even better.

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