Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The consequences of failure

The consequences of a breakup is definitely one of the most difficult processes of life to overcome, especially if your ex was your "first", as in your first girlfriend or boyfriend. The time it takes to recover may take two weeks to two years. There is no doubt that if you still like, from time to time, still thinking of ways on how your ex back. Maybe even the following things about you.

You go to the library to do some study done and say to yourself firmly, "You know what, my ex is not just important ... what is important now is to try to ace this exam." She is doing well for the first ten minutes, and then the problems start becoming increasingly difficult and more confusing. As you can deepen, random words, symbols and numbers starting to remember your girlfriend or boyfriend before. You try to shake it off and take your eyes off your book, only to see a nice couple holding hands walking pass right in front of you. You are now the mind is completely on your ex. You pack your books, and head back to your apartment.

As you drive home comes on the radio. You never really paid attention to the lyrics, now you wonder why every song is either about love, sex, or a break. You keep changing the radio station, but there's just too much "love" in progress. You turn off the radio. You can not even listen to a Beatles song more. Rock and R & B also do not do much to help. Why Ne-Yo are singing a song called "So Sick of love songs." Even if you have one of your favorite songs catchy, can not be heard anymore.

Come home and your friends call you to invite you to dinner and a movie. You went to The Cheesecake Factory with them but not the same thing. You feel restricted to talk only about what your friends are talking, rather than comfortable talking about anything you want. Thus, for the most part, politely sitting there pretending to know what's going on, but something inside is missing. Sure, you're going to smile as much as possible to make it appear that all is well. After all, you do not want to burden the party with your penis.

Finally you guys watching the movie. As the movie plays, you lose the feeling of cuddling next to your ex and their skin gently touch yours. Usually after the movie you just ramble about what you liked or disliked, but your friends are a bit 'more reserved with your opinions. We thank them for you, and go home.

The consequences of the rupture process, but it certainly hurts to get back together with your ex is not completely out of the picture. You can still win ex back, even after a painful break.

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