Saturday, August 25, 2012

Avoid this fatal mistake If You Want to Get Your Ex Back

Coping with a break can really be hard especially if with someone really special to you. Often I hear that other girls can handle their boyfriends having sex with other women, provided they still be together.

But often times they never stay. They leave you feeling more desperate, pathetic and putting all the blame yourself. Wondering where you have failed and what could be done to prevent breakage.

What's done is done. But if you think that there's nothing left for you to do then you are wrong. Hundreds of couples around the world break every day and a good percentage of them end up back together.

What can be done today to end the Break Up?

Often you feel hopeless so you react with intense emotions and try to pull all the stops just to win "your ex back." I understand how you feel, but you are only making it harder for you to resolve the problem.

So what should you do?

1. STOP repeatedly to call on the phone several times a day.
2. STOP calling his family, friends and relatives.
3. Stop sending tons of text messages and e-mail.
4. STOP begging and pleading for him or her to return.
5. Seriously, what you need is to stop being there.

Remember, he broke up with you and you are just increasing the level of confusion that is going through by overwhelming him with your need. At the moment, I can say in advance that he sees you as some kind of a burden.

He knows exactly where to find you. He knows exactly what you have in mind. If your ex does not know anything about what's going on with you then you have a better chance of solving the dilemma that your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife is going through.

Also, this is a great way to help alleviate the plight of you.

I know this may sound a bit 'against intuitive but believe me, they should be your first move. I do not want to call it a "tactic" because I also want to use this "invisible as an opportunity for you to heal yourself.

If there is a third party, the more you should stick to this. Having a strong heart and mind. Do you think this "in love" state he is going through with the other lover will soon fade.

You must have the confidence that it will. Be patient and their relationship will run its course.

Give yourself the time and love. Take that trip you've been putting off. Enjoy and start living your life. I know it is not easy but you have to believe that it is not so difficult.

Think of it as your opportunity to grow into another level. Once you realize that you no longer need him, you are not tormented him and leaving hundreds of comments on his facebook, he will think you went forward.

This is the desire to arouse feelings of discomfort inside and even find you irresistible, this is the way in which human nature is wired.

It will require some courage and an iron will on your part. Have you tried your "needy" tactics and did not work. Give this method a shot. Gather your composure and reclaim your self-respect.

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