Monday, September 3, 2012

Trick to make your ex girlfriend want you back - Everything you need to know to make your Chasing After You

If you're wondering "how can I make my ex girlfriend wants me back," and everything you've tried so far did not work for you. Here is a trick that will help her want to go back.

This trick might go against everything that we thought would work to get your ex girlfriend back. But in reality, as simple as could be, most men will screw because it is so intuitive. How can you get her to want you back?

All you need to know to do is to reject "her." Mind bogglingly simple right? Concept is otherwise difficult to observe.

What happens when a girl refuses and says "it's just not working out or something? It means that she does not want you to leave and their right alone? Being rejected hurts and nobody wants to be rejected.

So that means that if you reject her (after she has rejected you), technically should not care, and both "should" get on with your life, but in different directions.

Wrong! Human beings are too complicated for anything that cut to happen. Of course there are cases where that has happened (as there are exceptions to every rule).

But the truth is that nobody likes to be rejected. Although he has rejected you (as much as I hate to use that word over and over again), she does not want to be themselves rejected. Now you might act as if they care (basically do what you're doing), but this will not last long if you take care at all.

If after the reject and will not hear from her for 6 months! Or something ridiculous like that (which, believe me, that will not happen), then you know that it's over and she does not care about you that to begin with.

However, if you ever loved or cared at all, you will not be able to bear the thought of you rejection. (Rejection = no contact or interest in contact with her). You will want to know how all of us, why you behave as you are. She wants to be validated that it is still desirable, because if not, then what he thought the relationship was not really thinking at all!

This last statement is scared! Frighten her will enable it to act and that means that you will return to hunt once.

If this is so simple because not everyone likes to do this? Because most guys can not stick with it, but oftentimes a lot of other variables come into play. Eg. when the opportunity arises to bring together, the boy is usually too stubborn to see it.

Word of warning because it does not work:

* If you go overboard with the waste and act as if you do it just for revenge.

* If you are dishonest with her (and her) and treated badly just to have the upperhand.

* Deliberately ignore her, especially when you need it most.

* Put too much emphasis on this strategy instead of working on yourself and why the relationship ended in the first place.

Remember this could get her back in the short term, but unless you're willing to work to stay together, then it all makes sense.


  1. Ex factor guide Get Your Ex Back Via Texts On YouTube ......... Click On The Link

    Make Your Ex Chase You How To Make Your Ex Want You On YouTube ......... Click On The Link

    To Access To The Single Girl's Handbook Click On The Link


  2. HE broke up with me on May 26, 2014. then we saw each other on June3 because of a friends birthday. after that, we never had contact. he never tried to contact me in any way. i tried ignoring him but slipped on June 11, i messaged him on facebook, he didnt reply. i was so close to finishing the NO-CONTACT rule, but i slipped again and sent him another message on July 3. during the time apart, he never tried to contact me, even for once. and i hear from somewhere that he likes this girl. and i can see it on facebook, they keep posting on each others wall, and it just breaks my heart. the reason he broke up with me, (the reason he told me, that is) was because he doesnt love me anymore . I decide that only hope I love spell. I found good feedback about this website and I give it a chance. I was truly surprised that he approaching me about our future. I tell you that, after one week we were together. Once again I know what happiness taste.
