Monday, February 13, 2012

How to Dump a woman and not look like the Bad Guy

Breaking up is never easy. The important thing to do is minimize the damage when it is time to abandon those magic words proved that time is simply like this: "Are you not, that's me."

Sometimes it can not be helped, despite the best efforts of a couple, a relationship goes sour. And 'nobody's fault, so you claim. But it is important that you say with absolute conviction. Otherwise it becomes just another cliché, and this could be enough to trigger his anger. Instead of having a nice, clean, smooth break up, it becomes a big scene out blown sobs and everything. Please note that these pathetic sobs will not come from a woman!

Here are some tips that men can store, how to break up with a woman. This could come in handy one day, so from memory!

1. Location is crucial. The men who think they break up with their girlfriends should prepare ahead of time. Should ensure that the break is not on his house. Because this will put people at a disadvantage. Choose a place that is neutral. His favorite restaurant is not considered neutral.

This will only awaken the memory of all the happy times spent together in that place. This environment could have the effect of her coming down on you like a ton of bricks. Before you know it, you will blame for everything wrong in his life. Moreover, all you will look like is bad. No sir, this is not a good idea! She did not win any sympathy votes here. Try the park instead!

2. Never break up with a woman on the phone. In this way each man earning the title of the villain of the century, and rightly so. Men should at least honor the woman who became a part of their lives with their presence when the time comes to end. And 'the noble thing to do.

3. Do not let her be the last to know. We are saying that goes "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." This is something that every man would want to live in person!

If a man is thinking of breaking up with his girlfriend, should not let the word out about it until she was informed. Imagine the drama that will be created if it had learned through one of his friends, gossip or worse.

The comparison will then be bad! Men need to rescue this headache, saying their first woman.

4. Timing is everything. Never break up with a woman during her birthday or Valentine's Day! At all costs, the holidays should be avoided. This is simply cruel!

5. Men should tell their girlfriend why they have broken with them. This is the right thing to do. So later, she will wonder why it all collapsed. Put it this way, if it were otherwise, we would like to know too! Be honest but gentle. Later, men can congratulate showed that the sensitivity and feel good about yourself!

6. If she starts screaming at you, do not yell back. Consider that the price you pay for what may end in the eye, "a match made in heaven." Some women are naturally emotional. Men should wait several displays of histrionics when it's time to break with their girlfriends. In fact, they should prepare for it.

Before a man breaks a woman who must ensure that its decision is final! There will be no turning back once it is made. If he suddenly changes his mind after the broken heart of a woman, chances are it will not be likely that she will bring him back. This is the part where a man's life takes a turn for the worse because now it is completely at the mercy of women. Make sure this does not occur to her to think this decision several times.

Once you have decided that there is no future for you two, take the high road and play the sensitive guy! In this way, do not want to keep the break-up against you, and you can tell everyone that you are bad!

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